Vibrant Virginia Webinar Series: Join us on March 23!

Last year, I was fortunate to work with my colleagues based at Virginia Tech in support of a project known as Vibrant Virginia, a statewide initiative to build closer collaborations between universities and communities and between urban and rural regions across Virginia.   Vibrant Virginia has a lot of moving parts, including a forthcoming book and a discussion series that kicks off next Tuesday (March 23) at 11AM Eastern.  I’ll be part of this first discussion forum which is focused on entrepreneurship trends across Virginia.  I’ll be joined by two excellent colleagues:  Elsie Harper-Anderson of Virginia Commonwealth University and Scott Tate of Virginia Tech.  In addition to general conversation, Scott and I will also be discussing our Vibrant Virginia book chapter that focuses on entrepreneurial ecosystem building efforts in Central and Western Virginia.  This work assesses the impressive work already underway to build stronger ecosystems in the regions around Charlottesville and Roanoke-Blacksburg, with a special focus on connecting urban and rural entrepreneurs.  I’m really looking forward to this event and these conversations.  You can learn more about the webinar series and register here.  Hope to see you next week.