Supporting Economic Transformation in Pennsylvania

During this past month, new Governors and other elected officials took office around the US.  This is typically a time when Governors announce new ideas, programs and initiatives, so it’s an interesting time for all policy wonks.  (SSTI offer an excellent summary of these items in their “Tech-Talkin’ Govs” reviews).  This year, I’m intrigued to see what happens in Pennsylvania with new Governor Josh Shapiro’s recent announcements to create a New Office of Transformation and Opportunity within the Governor’s also new Economic Development Strategy Group.  This effort is designed to create a new high-level one-stop-shop for business and to ensure better coordination and higher-level attention to key economic development issues facing Pennsylvania communities.  I’ve got high hopes for this effort and I’m hoping that it’s not just another agency reorganization.  If it works and is adequately supported, it should help the Commonwealth better serve business and embrace truly transformational economic development initiatives.  Watch this space for further updates as these initiatives move forward.ÂÂ