
An interesting new research article sheds some interesting light on the factors affecting the startup and growth prospects of businesses based in rural communities.  The study, from researchers at the
I’ve had the good fortune of serving as an instructor for the University of North Carolina’s Basic Economic Development Course for many years now.   The UNC-BEDC continued throughout the pandemic,
In recent years, I’ve had the pleasure of working with many coal-reliant communities that are seeking to address impacts of our ongoing energy transition.  As part of this work, EntreWorks
We're out with a new issue of our regular e-newsletter, EntreWorks Insights. This issue examines how many state and local economic development programs are pivoting to developing more talent-friendly places
We're out with a new issue of our regular e-newsletter, EntreWorks Insights. This issue examines how many state and local economic development programs are pivoting to developing more talent-friendly places
We're out with a new issue of our regular e-newsletter, EntreWorks Insights. This issue examines how many state and local economic development programs are pivoting to developing more talent-friendly places
Welcome to the latest edition of EntreWorks Insights, a quarterly newsletter that reports on business trends, policy developments, and other issues affecting the business of economic and workforce development.   You’re
With our recent experiences in the Great Recession and the COVID-19 pandemic, most communities were reacting to bad news when it came to economic and workforce development.  But, as the
While many rural places around the US are struggling, a number of communities have the opposite problem:  they are being loved to death.  Places like Bend OR, Jackson WY, Asheville,
Undoubtedly, finding talent remains the number 1 issue for businesses and economic developers today.  The causes of these talent deficits are complex, but I don’t think they are a temporary