
Business Incentives: What do We Know? What Should We Know? When you talk to the average informed person about economic development, it’s not unusual for them to equate business incentives
America’s Start-Up Slump: What the $X&?! Is Going On? America’s start-up engine is ailing.   As the chart below (from a recent Brookings Institution analysis shows, start-up rates in America are
The Future Commercial Office Market 1812 North Moore Street is an impressive building.  Located in Arlington, VA, it is the tallest building in the Washington DC metro area and has
Can Shale Energy be an Economic Game Changer? Game changer is getting to be an overused word nowadays.  In sports, RGIII, the zone-read offense, and moneyball were all going to
Regional Data and Benchmarking: What’s the Latest? I’ve recently been spending some time in Central Virginia, developing a web based regional economic indicator dashboard for the Region 2000 Partnership, a
Innovation & Entrepreneurship with a Latin Flavor For the past six months or so, I’ve been engaged in a couple of projects examining innovation and entrepreneurship policies in Latin America. 
Shale Energy Boom = Manufacturing Boom? The emergence of new shale gas and oil resources has been one of the most important economic trends of the past several years.  The
Letter from Mid-Coast Maine Last month, my family made our annual vacation pilgrimage up to mid-coast Maine.  Maine is a beautiful and fascinating place, but it faces a daunting host
Connecting Town and Gown For the past few months, I’ve been on something of a Spring College Town Tour.  Work and family events have taken me on the road to
New Directions in Business Development: Rethinking Customer Service Remember Reinventing Government?  Then-Vice President Al Gore’s plan to transform the public sector never fully lived up to its hype, but it