Thinking Bigger about the Energy Transition

Lots of interesting work continues to happen in America’s coal-reliant communities.  The Biden Administration is actively investing in these regions, with strong leadership provided by the Interagency Working Group (IWG) on Coal & Power Plant Communities and Economic Revitalization.  Beyond its coordinating role, the IWG is also raising the public spotlights on the challenges facing coal regions and the great investments that can found in these communities.

While excellent work is underway, it may be time to think even bigger.  That’s ne message from a new Center for American Progress report, from Mark Haggerty and Sophia Corridan, which calls for a National Transition Corporation to build on and expand the work of the IWG and others focused on coal industry transitions. The proposed corporation would support coordination and targeted federal programs akin to the IWG, but it would also provide dedicated funding for transition programs such as retraining or new infrastructure investments. The authors note that the Corporation offers one means to ensure that local leaders have the support, funding, capacity, and expertise needed to invest in smart transition efforts that help ease the pain of local coal jobs and create the foundations for future economic prosperity.