
I’ve spent the last two days at a convening organized by the Interagency Working Group on Coal and Powerplant Communities and Economic Revitalization, thankfully shortened to the Energy Communities IWG,
I’m very excited about an upcoming event:  the Global Entrepreneurship Congress+ Puerto Rico.  Starting this weekend, GEC+ Puerto Rico will host entrepreneurial ecosystem builders from across Latin America to share
Lots of interesting work continues to happen in America’s coal-reliant communities.  The Biden Administration is actively investing in these regions, with strong leadership provided by the Interagency Working Group (IWG)
Those of us working to support entrepreneurial ecosystems know that ecosystems matter greatly when it comes affecting startup performance and success.  Yet we don’t always have a good handle on
One of the nicest parts of being a consultant involves seeing past clients enjoy continued success and financial sustainability.  While a “good” consultant claims credit for these subsequent success, I
Over the past few years, we’ve witnessed a boom in startups and growing interest in self-employment.   Is this a good thing for workers, communities, and local economies?  An excellent new
An excellent new study from the Appalachian Regional Commission highlights the ongoing entrepreneurial renaissance underway across Appalachia.  Access to Capital and Credit for Small Businesses and Entrepreneurs in Appalachia examines
As readers of this blog know, we are actively engaged in a number of efforts supporting communities, especially coal-reliant regions, dealing with the impacts of the ongoing energy transition.  That’s
We've got a new issue of our e-newsletter, EntreWorks Insights, out now. You can access it and subscribe to the newsletter here. This issue looks at the emerging concept of
Welcome to the latest edition of EntreWorks Insights, a quarterly newsletter that reports on business trends, policy developments, and other issues affecting the business of economic and workforce development.   You’re